
List of Publications


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March 13, 2023


March 13, 2023


NAGATOMO, Tomoko, Maria SHINOTO & Daisuke NAKAMURA (ed.). 2022. Kilns in East and North Asia: the adoption of ceramic industries. 1st ed. Vol. 7 (Archaeology of East Asia). Oxford, UK: BAR Publishing.

NAKAMURA Naoko & SHINOTO Maria (ed.). 2015. Studies on the Nakadake Sanroku Kiln Site Cluster. Kagoshima: Research Center for Archaeology, Kagoshima University.[中村直子、篠藤マリア(編)『中岳山麓窯跡群の研究』].

SHINOTO, Maria. 2008. Wege der Keramikklassifikation. Am Beispiel einer prähistorischen Irdenware aus Südjapan (Dissertation). Heidelberg: Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg.

Journal Articles

DONEUS, Michael, Bernhard HÖFLE, Dominic KEMPF, Gwydion DASKALAKIS & Maria SHINOTO. 2022. Human-in-the-loop development of spatially adaptive ground point filtering pipelines—An archaeological case study. Archaeological Prospection 29: 503–24.

JAROSZ, Aleksandra, Martine ROBBEETS, Ricardo FERNANDES, Hiroto TAKAMIYA, Akito SHINZATO, Naoko NAKAMURA, Maria SHINOTO & Mark HUDSON. 2022. Demography, trade and state power: a tripartite model of medieval farming/language dispersals in the Ryukyu Islands. Evolutionary Human Sciences 4. Cambridge University Press: e4.

SHINOTO, Maria, Michael DONEUS, Hideyuki HAIJIMA, Hannah WEISER, Vivien ZAHS, Dominic KEMPF, Gwydion DASKALAKIS, Bernhard HÖFLE & Naoko NAKAMURA. 2022. 3D point cloud from Nakadake Sanroku Kiln Site Center, Japan: sample data for the application of adaptive filtering with the AFwizard.

STERBA, J. H., M. SHINOTO, A. SHINZATO, M. ENOMOTO & Y. YOMINE. 2021. Provenancing of pottery from Kamuiyaki Site in East Asia by neutron activation analysis. Archaeometry 63: 500–515.

SHINOTO, Maria, Masaaki KIDACHI & Takuma YOGO. 2020. Review of the research history of purpose and methods of pottery analysis: a discussion on paper of traditions and universality of academic studies. Kamaato Kenkyū 4: 67–102[篠藤マリア、木立雅朗、余語琢磨「胎土分析の目的と方法の研究史的再検討:学問の伝統と一般性をめぐる紙上鼎談」『窯跡研究』].

RAITH, Michael M., Radegund HOFFBAUER, Beate SPIERING, Maria SHINOTO & Naoko NAKAMURA. 2016. Melting behaviour of feldspar clasts in high-fired Sue ware. European Journal of Mineralogy 28: 385–407.

SHINOTO, Maria & Naoko NAKAMURA. 2016. Nakadake: Forschungen in einem japanischen Töpferzentrum. Blickpunkt Archäologie 4/2016: 298–307.

SHINOTO Maria. 2014. A comprehensive database of Japanese Kofun period burials with decorations (sōshoku kofun). Kumamoto kofun kenkyū: 1–34[篠藤マリア「装飾古墳の総合的データベース」『熊本古墳研究』].

—. 2013. Grabverzierungen der japanischen Hügelgräberkultur. Blickpunkt Archäologie 1: 95–101.

—. 2012a. An attempt of systematic modeling and quantitative analyses of archaeological data: the chronology of burials with murals (soushoku-kofun) as an example. Journal of the Japanese Archaeological Association (Nihon kōkogaku) 33: 33–51[篠藤マリア「考古学データの組織的モデルかと量的分析の試み:装飾古墳の編年を例にして」『日本考古学』].

—. 2012b. Size in Narikawa pottery: analyses of pots and jars from the Tsujidōbaru site. Kagoshima Kōko: 77–81[篠藤マリア「成川式土器の大きさ:辻堂原の甕と壺の分析」『鹿児島考古』].

—. 2004. Wege der Keramikklassifikation am Beispiel einer Irdenware aus Südjapan. Archäologisches Nachrichtenblatt 9: 234–39.

SHINOTO Maria & HOFFBAUER Radegund. 2000. Mineralogical studies in the production process fo the Nariakawa type pottery from the Tsujidobaru site in Fukiage, Kagoshima prefecture. Jinruishi kenkyū (Journal of the Society of Human History) 12: 91–104[マリア・シノトウ、ラーデグント・ホッフバウアー 「鹿児島県吹上町辻堂原遺跡の成川式土器の鉱物学的研究」『人類史研究』12].

Book Sections

NAGATOMO, Tomoko, Maria SHINOTO & Daisuke NAKAMURA. 2022. Introduction, in Tomoko Nagatomo, Maria Shinoto & Daisuke Nakamura (ed.) Kilns in East and North Asia: 3–11.

SHINOTO, Maria. 2022. An essay on interdisciplinary kiln research and agile research design, in Tomoko Nagatomo, Maria Shinoto & Daisuke Nakamura (ed.) Kilns in East and North Asia: adoption of ceramic industries: 41–50 (BAR International - East Asian Archaeology).

HERZOG, Irmela, Michael DONEUS, Maria SHINOTO, Hideyuki HAJIMA & Naoko NAKAMURA. 2021. Testing ALS visualisation methods for detecting kiln remains in a densely vegetated area in Japan, in Stadtarchäologie, Museen der Stadt Wien (ed.) Monumental Computations: Digital archaeology of large urban and underground infrastructures: 203–17. Heidelberg: Propylaeum. SHINOTO Maria. 2020. The transformation of maps into 3D representations: the possibilities of LiDAR in protection of cultural heritage and archaeological research, in The 37th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Scientic Studies on Cultural Property Abstracts: 8–9. Beppu[篠藤マリア「地図の 3D 化 ー 航空レーザー測量による文化財保護・考古学研究の可能性」『日本文化財科学会第 37 回大会研究発表要旨集』別府].

SHINOTO Maria & STERBA Johannes. 2020. Method and significance of pottery analysis with Neutron Activation Analysis, in Kinoshita Naoko (ed.) Research on Hirota site: phenotypes, techniques, and migration of people: 5–11. Kumamoto: Kumamoto University[篠藤マリア、シュテルバ・ヨハネス「中性子放射化分析による胎土分析の方法と意義」、木下尚子(編)『広田遺跡の研究:人の形質・技術・移動』].

STERBA Johannes, SHINOTO Maria, ISHIDŌ Takahiro & GUSHIKEN Seita. 2020. Neutron Activation Analysis on pottery unearthed from Hirota site, Torinomine site, and Gushibaru shell midden, in Kinoshita Naoko (ed.) Research on Hirota site: phenotypes, techniques, and migration of people: 12–22. Kumamoto: Kumamoto University[シュテルバ・ヨハネス、篠藤マリア、石堂和博、具志堅清大「広田遺跡・鳥ノ峯遺跡・具志原貝塚出土土器の中性子放射化分析」、木下尚子(編)『広田遺跡の研究:人の形質・技術・移動』].

DONEUS, Michael, Maria SHINOTO, Irmela HERZOG, Naoko NAKAMURA, Hideyuki HAIJIMA & Tomokazu ŌNISHI. 2019. UAV-based airborne laser scanning in densely vegetated areas: detecting Sue pottery kilns in Nakadake Sanroku, Japan, in Bonsall James (ed.) New Global Perspectives on Archaeological Prospection, 13th international conference on archaeological prospection, 28 August-1 September 2019, Sligo-Ireland: 220–23. Oxford: Archaeopress.

SHINOTO Maria, HERZOG Irmela, DONEUS Michael, HAIJIMA Hideyuki, SONG Baoquan, ŌNISHI Tomakazu, NAKAMURA Naoko & KITA’ICHI Shōhei. 2019. Identifying archaeological sites from elevation data: LiDAR data analysis in a densely forested mountainous area, in The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Scientic Studies on Cultural Property Abstracts: 290–91. Tōkyō[篠藤M、ヘルツォーグ I、ドネウス M、蓜島H、ソン B、大西T、中村N、北市Sh「地下の遺構を地形から発見する:森林内須恵器窯跡群探査における航空レーザー測量のフィルターや可視化について」『日本文化財科学会第36回大会研究発表要旨集』].

SHINOTO Maria. 2015a. Earth and sand: material that forms Narikawa pottery, in Hashimoto Tatsuya (ed.) What it Narikawa pottery? Pottery from sites on the campus of Kagoshima University.: 46–52. Kagoshima: Research Museum of Kagoshima University[篠藤マリア「土と砂:成川式土器を作る素材」橋本達也(編)『成川式土器ってなんだ?鹿大キャンパスの遺跡で出土する土器』].

NAKAMURA, Naoko & Maria SHINOTO. 2015a. Summary of the excavation and related research on a Sue ware kiln site cluster in Nakadake Sanroku, South Japan, 2013–2015, in Naoko Nakamura & Maria Shinoto (ed.) Studies on the Nakadake Sanroku Kiln Site Cluster: 121–22. Kagoshima: Research Center for Archaeology, Kagoshima University.

—. 2015b. [Japanese] Summary of the excavation and related research on a Sue ware kiln site cluster in Nakadake Sanroku, South Japan, 2013–2015, in Nakamura Naoko & Shinoto Maria (ed.) Studies on the Nakadaka Sanroku kiln site center. Kagoshima: Kagshima University Research Center for Archaeology[中村直子、篠藤マリア「中岳山麓窯跡における発掘調査と関連調査についてのまとめ」中村、篠藤(編)『中岳山麓窯跡群の研究』].

SHINOTO Maria. 2015b. Quantitative research on sōshoku kofun (2), in The Mitsubishi Foundation annual report 2015. Vol. 45 (The Mitsubishi Foundation annual report). Mitsubishi Foundation.

—. 2013. Quantitative research on sōshoku kofun, in The Mitsubishi Foundation (ed.) The Mitsubishi Foundation annual report 2012, 43: (2012) file 170 (The Mitsubishi Foundation annual report). Mitsubishi Foundation[篠藤マリア「日本装飾古墳の数量的研究」『三菱財団 研究・事業報告書2012』].

—. 2008. Zahlenspiele, Größe von Gefäßen derselben Form in prähistorischer Keramik aus Südjapan, in Frank Falkenstein, Sabine Schade-Lindig & Andrea Zeeb-Lanz (ed.) Kumpf, Kalotte, Pfeilschaftglätter: zwei Leben für die Archäologie, Gedenkschrift für Annemarie Häußer und Helmut Spatz: 265–75 (Internationale Archäologie – Studia honoraria 27). Rahden/Westf: Leidorf.

—. 2007. Gene, Völker und Töpfe: Zur ethnischen Bedeutung archäologischer Befunde, in Marie-Luise Legeland, Detlev Taranczewski, Barbara Manthey, Ralph Lützeler, Hans-Dieter Ölschleger & Günther Distelrath (ed.) Von Bauern, Beamten und Banditen: Beiträge zur historischen Japanforschung, Festschrift für Detlev Taranczewski zu seinem sechzigsten Geburtstag von seine Schülern und Kollegen: 11–31 (Bonner Japanforschungen 27). Bonn: Bier’sche Verlagsanstalt.

—. 2002. The computer as a tool in a dialectical approach to data processing, in Göran Burenhult & Johan Arvidsson (ed.) Archaeological informatics: pushing the envelope: CAA 2001: Proceedings of the 28th conference, Gotland, April 2001: 527–39 (BAR International Series 1016). BAR Publishing. HOFFBAUER, Radegund & Maria SHINOTO. 2000. Joint archaeological and mineralogical research on pottery production in Ancient Japan, in D Rammlmair, J Mederer, Th Oberthür, R B Heimann & H Pentinghaus (ed.) Applied Mineralogy in Research, Economy, Technology, Ecology and Culture. Volume 2., Proceedings of the sixth International Congress on Applied Mineralogy ICAM 2000: 898–992. Rotterdam: Balkema.

SHINOTO, Maria. 1996. Theoretisch-methodische und inhaltliche Hintergründe zum Internationalen Symposium “Yamato und seine Beziehungen zu umliegenden Bevölkerungsgruppen - Japanische Archäologie in Frühhistorischer Zeit,” in Beiträge zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie 16: 69–78. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern.

Selected Conference Papers

SHINOTO, Maria. 2018. Agile Research Design in Interdisciplinary Research on Ancient Kiln Technology., SEAA. Nanjing.

—. 2016a. Don’t trust the words: archaeological research on the population of ancient Japan’s south., in Makoto Tomii (ed.) The eighth world archaeological congress. Kyōto.

—. 2016b. Patterns of interdisciplinary archaeological research and their specific problems., in Makoto Tomii (ed.) The eighth world archaeological congress. Kyōto.


SHINOTO, Maria. 2012a. Grabkammerverzierungungen der japanischen Hügelgräberkultur im ostasiatischen Kontext: Band 2 (Analysen und Material). Habilitation Materialband, Heidelberg: Habilitationsschrift der Philosophischen Fakultät der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg[Habil Materialband].

—. 2012b. Grabkammerverzierungungen der japanischen Hügelgräberkultur im ostasiatischen Kontext: Band 1 (Text). Habilitation Textband, Heidelberg: Habilitationsschrift der Philosophischen Fakultät der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg.

WARLIES, Maria. 1991. Archäologie in der Hayato Forschung. Magisterarbeit, Bonn: Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms-Universität.


Various Translations between German/English and Japanese.
